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RDS Surveyor, multi-platform RDS decoder

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RDS Surveyor is being developed by Christophe Jacquet, a radio ehtusiast.

Run RDS Surveyor 2 now in your browser!

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RDS Surveyor is a complete open-source tool for decoding and analyzing Radio Data System (RDS) data. RDS (also known as RBDS in North America) is a communication protocol for embedding streams of digital information in FM radio broadcasts.

RDS Surveyor comes in two flavors:

RDS Surveyor 2 is currently in beta and it lacks some of RDS Surveyor 1's features. However, as of October 2024, development is active and we expect the missing features to be added in the coming weeks or months.

Supported hardware

RDS Surveyor can use diverse data sources:

Supported RDS features

RDS Surveyor implements all basic RDS features, as well as a number of common Open Data Applications (ODAs):

Contrary to off-the-shelf radio sets that give access to only a subset of RDS features, RDS Surveyor enables the user to analyze all RDS data, at various protocol levels. RDS does not discard groups with errors, instead it tries to interpret groups even when some blocks are missing. This enables RDS Surveyor to decode RDS data very quickly, even with poor reception.

The itended audience for RDS Surveyor is both end users (radio enthusiasts and professionals) who wish to get full access to RDS data, and developers who wish to re-use an RDS decoder as a library. RDS Surveyor is open source; see the respective Github pages for the licenses.

How to help?

Please try and use RDS Surveyor. Then you may:

Screenshot of RDS Surveyor v1
RDS Surveyor v1
Screenshot of RDS Surveyor v2
RDS Surveyor v2

© Christophe Jacquet (contact: <MyFirstName>.<MyLastName>@gmail.com). Impressum (Mentions légales). Last modified on 2024-10-16.