RDS Surveyor is being developed by Christophe Jacquet, a radio ehtusiast.
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Project links:
RDS Standards
RDS Decoder/Encoder software
- Radiodatasystem, a C library for decoding RDS (GPL)
- Esslinger RDS decoder and library (commercial product)
- Bob Langmeier's RdsDec and RdsEnc
- Pi-FM-RDS, my FM/RDS transmitter for the Raspberry Pi
- MiniRDS, originally based on my Pi-FM-RDS code
Lists of PI codes
- List of European PI codes (quite complete, updated in 2005)
- Old list of European PI codes (25 years old, but still useful)
- PI code structure for France (in French)
- RBDS PI code calculator for USA
TMC Information
Sources of RDS data, for testing
- Large RDS sample archive on Github
- European RDS samples from a few years back
- Andreas Mikula's samples from Austria