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RDS Surveyor, multi-platform RDS decoder

RDS Surveyor icon

RDS Surveyor is being developed by Christophe Jacquet, a radio ehtusiast.

Run RDS Surveyor 2 now in your browser!

Project links:

RDS Surveyor version 2

RDS Surveyor version 2 runs in the Chrome browser, including its device drivers. It is easiest to run it as a browser tab. Optionally, you can click in the Installation icon in the address bar to install it as a standalone application. It then gets its own icon and runs in its own window, but it still relies on the browser runtime.

Go to the GitHub page of the project to get the source code.

You can easily run your own instance on your web server. The application in its distribution form consits of a few files to be served statically by any web servers.

© Christophe Jacquet (contact: <MyFirstName>.<MyLastName>@gmail.com). Impressum (Mentions légales). Last modified on 2024-10-16.