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RDS Surveyor, multi-platform RDS decoder

RDS Surveyor is being developed by Christophe Jacquet, a French radio ehtusiast.

Project links:


Latest release

Download latest release (updated 2019-10-05).

The base program is multi-platform. The release contains the Si407x and RTL-SDR drivers for Windows (32 & 64 bits) and MacOS. You need the Java runtime to run RDS Surveyor. Get it here!

If you need the drivers for another platform, I maybe I can build them for you. Just drop me an email.

If you do not have radio/RDS receiver hardware, you may test RDS Surveyor with pre-recorded samples available on the “Samples” page. Just follow the instructions on the “Usage” page, and you're done!

Getting the latest development version of the code

Go to the GitHub page of the project and follow the instructions to build the Java executable, as well as hardware-specific backends (aka drivers) for your operating system.

© Christophe Jacquet (contact: <MyFirstName>.<MyLastName>@gmail.com). Impressum (Mentions légales). Last modified on 2018-04-06.